- immunoassay
- імунний аналіз
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
Immunoassay — vgl. Immunassay … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
immunoassay — [im΄yə nō as′ā, i myo͞o΄nōas′ā] n. [ IMMUNO + ASSAY] a technique for analyzing, and measuring the concentration of, antibodies, hormones, etc. in the body, used in diagnosing disease, detecting the presence of a tumor or drug, etc … English World dictionary
Immunoassay — Mikrotiterplatte zur Durchführung eines Immunoassays Als Immunoassays werden zusammenfassend eine Reihe von Methoden in der Bioanalytik bezeichnet, deren gemeinsames Grundprinzip die Erkennung und damit der Nachweis eines Analyten in einer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Immunoassay — An immunoassay is a biochemical test that measures the concentration of a substance in a biological liquid, typically serum or urine, using the reaction of an antibody or antibodies to its antigen. The assay takes advantage of the specific… … Wikipedia
immunoassay — Detection and assay of substances by serological (immunological) methods; in most applications the substance in question serves as antigen, both in antibody production and in measurement of antibody by the test substance. SEE ALSO: enzyme linked… … Medical dictionary
immunoassay — noun Date: 1959 a technique or test used to detect the presence or quantity of a substance (as a protein) based on its capacity to act as an antigen • immunoassayable adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
immunoassay — immunoassayable, adj. /im yeuh noh euh say , as ay, i myooh /, n. any laboratory method for detecting a substance by using an antibody reactive with it. [1955 60; IMMUNO + ASSAY] * * * … Universalium
immunoassay — noun A test for the presence of a substance using the reaction of an antibody to its antigen, making use of the high selectivity of components of biological immune systems … Wiktionary
Immunoassay — Im|mu|no|as|say [ ə seɪ; ↑ immun engl. assay = Analyse, Prüfung, Versuch], der; s, s; S: Immunassay: Sammelbez. für sehr empfindliche immunchem. Analysenmethoden zu Nachweis u. Bestimmung solcher biol. aktiven Stoffe (z. B. Proteine, Hormone,… … Universal-Lexikon
Immunoassay — Im|mu|no|as|say vgl. ↑Immunassay … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
immunoassay — A fluorescent antibody technique, used for detection of antigens and antibodies in blood and serum … Forensic science glossary